I-9 Information You Can Use
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, the tempest- tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Statute of

(Updated August 26, 2018)

Not Responsible for Accuracy of Translation which is provided by a third party as a free service

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Services We Offer

A History of Antidiscrimination  Outreach Under the IRCA

Lawsuit says DHS deported a native born U.S. citizen who was disabled.  Click here.  Illustrates why it is important that any immigration reform bill be practical.
Where to email your Congressional Representatives to let them know your views or seek their help in determining what's going on.

Employer Sanctions Law and Department of Homeland Security Implementing Regulations

Nondiscrimination law applicable to employer sanctions and implementing Department of Justice Regulations.

Will a national ID card make thingsElectronic Tattoo easier?  Read "Papers, Papers . . . Please:  A National ID or an Electronic Tattoo?" 

An Overview of the antidiscrimination provision applicable to employer sanctions "IRCA's ANTIDISCRIMINATION PROVISION - How It Works and Can It Be Used to Combat Anti-Immigrant Fears?

Would the 2007 Immigration Bill, the "Grand Bargain", Have Solved Our Immigration Problems?

Useful Links

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) I-9 Form -
The most filled out Federal form other than the IRS 1040 Tax Form.

We can help you do it correctly.
Contact Andy Strojny at andy.strojny@yahoo.com
and learn how

Things you need to know.

Do you know it is against the law to prefer U.S. Citizens for most jobs over permanent residents and other legal U.S. workers?

Do you know that there is a way for legal U.S. workers to challenge an employer who they believe prefers to hire unauthorized workers or H-1B visa holders for jobs to the exclusion of U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, and other legal U.S. workers?

Do you know that the current I-9 Form is in violation of the Paperwork Reduction Act and what that means?

Do you know how the E-Verify system can suggest employees are not work authorized when they are and what can be done about it?

In a one day training course, I can provide you with answers to these questions and help ensure that the laws against
hiring unauthorized workers are fairly and effectively enforced.

Keep reading for a preview of what is covered.

The morst recent I-9 Form revised on August 7, 2009 has an OMB Control Number
good until August 31, 2012.

Click here for a copy of the current I-9 form
Click here for a copy in Spanish Note:  Only usable in Puerto Rico

. The 02/02/09 edition of the I-9 Form can still be used. 
  You can get the latest version of the Handbook for Employers revised July 31, 2009
by clicking here.

As described by USCIS, the E-Verify program, formerly Basic Pilot, is an online tool that allows participating employers to
Findings of the Web Basic Pilot Evaluation have been released.

Click here for a copy

Click here to see the OSC Guidance for what should be done when an employer receives a "no-match" letter.

District Court temporarily stops enforcement of the no-match rule set forth below.

According to a story on yahoo news:

A federal judge has blocked a proposed rule requiring employers to fire workers whose names don't match their Social Security numbers, dealing a major blow to the Bush administration's crackdown on illegal immigration.

Under the rule, businesses with employees whose names and Social Security numbers didn't match would have three months to correct the mistakes or fire the employees. If not, they could face government prosecution.

Businesses had argued that enforcing the rule would be expensive and expose them to legal action either from the government, if they didn't comply, or from any employees fired unfairly because of a mistake not corrected in time.

U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer's temporary injunction, issued Wednesday, stopped the Department of Homeland Security proposal from going into effect, at least temporarily.

Breyer said the proposal would likely impose hardships on businesses and their workers. Employers would incur new costs to comply with the regulation that the government hasn't evaluated, and innocent workers unable to correct mistakes in their records in time would lose their jobs, the judge wrote.

* * * * *

This is the rule that is the subject of Judge Breyer's order.   It was published August 15, 2007.  The regulation preamble says:

The amended regulation describes the legal obligations of an employer,
under current immigration law, when the employer receives a no-match letter
from the Social Security Administration or receives a letter regarding
employment verification forms from the Department of Homeland Security.
It also describes ``safe-harbor'' procedures that the employer can follow in response to
such a letter and thereby be certain that the Department of Homeland
Security will not use the letter as any part of an allegation that the
employer had constructive knowledge that the employee referred to in
the letter was an alien not authorized to work in the United States.

On October 7, 2009,  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued a final rule stating:

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is amending its regulations by rescinding the
amendments promulgated on August 15, 2007, and October 28, 2008, relating to procedures
that employers may take to acquire a safe harbor from receipt of No-
Match letters. DHS is
amending its regulations as proposed on August 19,
2009, without change. Implementation
of the 2007 final rule was preliminarily enjoined by the United States District Court for the

Northern District of California on October 10, 2007. After further review, DHS has determined to focus its
enforcement efforts relating to the employment of aliens not authorized to work in the United States on
increased compliance through improved verification, including participation in E–Verify, ICE Mutual
Agreement Between Government and Employers (IMAGE), and other programs.

The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) Agrees.

On May 1, 2008, OSC assessed a $45,000 civil penalty against iGate Mastech to settle a discrimination allegations that it favored "H-1B visa holders to the exclusion of U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and other legal U.S. workers."   OSC maintained that preferring H-1B visa holders over legal U.S. workers constituted citizenship status discrimination and is prohibited by the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Handbook for Employers
  If you would like a USCIS "Handbook for Employers
Instructions for Completing Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form)"
(M-274 - Rev. 07/31/09)



and we will E-mail you one
(Handbooks only available by E-mail).

You may also obtain a 
"Handbook for Employers" 
  by going to the 
Employer Information Page
on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

The I-9 Handbook for Employers contains I-9 forms.  However, if you would like to download I-9 (also called I9) Forms alone (without the Handbook for Employers), go to the I-9 download page at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Website and follow the instructions posted there.

Are you doing right?Professorial
                    Carrot Take the I-9 Quiz, and find out.
Click here
Pacing worried Felix
                    the Cat
Well how did you do?
Perhaps you'd like some training?
Click here


Of Special Interest

It states:

Other Questions
(click on the question for the answer)

Q - How long must an employer retain an employee's I-9 form?                                                                             

If you have other questions you would like answers to, E-mail us at ANDY.STROJNY@YAHOO.COM.
 If they are of general interest,
we will attempt to find answers and post them here.

Administrative Hearing Decisions

If an employer is charged with violating the Immigration and Nationality Act's (INA) nondiscrimination or employer sanctions provisions, the employer has a right to an administrative hearing.  The case decisions issued by the administrative hearing examiner after an administrative hearing are a matter of public record.

You can discover if any administrative hearing case decision has dealt with situations you are interested in by going to the
Office of Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO) webpage and clicking on one of the Cumulative Topical Index of Published and Indexed Decisions links.

To discover how to find case decisions dealing with specific subject areas,
click here.

"IRCA's ANTIDISCRIMINATION PROVISION - How It Works and Can It Be Used to Combat Anti-Immigrant Fears?"

- now with links to referenced Administrative Hearing Decisions -

Find Out

  • Why ALL PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES - citizens and legal immigrants alike - have a stake in the enforcement of IRCA's nondiscrimination provisions.

  •  How to comply with Employer Sanctions and I-9 Requirements WITHOUT discriminating.

  •  Why exploiters of illegal immigrants fear IRCA's nondiscrimination provisions.

"IRCA's ANTIDISCRIMINATION PROVISION - How It Works and Can It Be Used To Combat Anti-Immigrant Fears?"

Click Here


Copyright (c) 1999 by the American Immigration Lawyers Association

Reprinted with Permission of:
1998-99 Immigration & Nationality Law Handbook
Volume II  Advanced Practice

Some argue that making all citizens and immigrants carry papers
will make enforcement of employer sanctions easier.

Find out some of the issues involved.

Papers, Papers . . . Please:  A National ID or an
Electronic Tattoo?

Electronic Tattoo

Click here

Reprinted with the permission of the publisher of Interpreter Releases
West Group (901 15th St., NW,Suite 1010, Washington D.C.  20005, phone 202-337-7000)
Further reproduction or use without the permission of the publisher is prohibited

Useful sources of I-9 Information are:

The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) - Check out their Frequently Asked Questions page at:


and avoid violating the nondiscrimination provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), a part of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), when you fill out an I-9 Form.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services also has useful information and downloadable I-9 Forms.  You can find the forms at:


The Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO) has useful information about the administrative hearing process and has hearing decisions concerning allegations that employers violated employer sanctions provisions or discriminated against individuals on the basis of their citizenship status or national origin.
You can find it at:


We are committed to helping Employees and the General Public know their rights and Employers know their responsibilities under the laws governing Employer Sanctions.
As interest warrants, we will be posting additional information about the I-9 process, DHS Employer Sanctions provisions, and the protections against citizenship status discrimination.

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